
Pre-Natal class – Englisch

Pre-Natal class – Englisch

Courses in English

Since 1978 - and since 1989 as an independent organization with its main focus on women and families - we have been addressing the needs of women in Frankfurt and the surrounding area. Led by trained professionals, our courses follow the holistic health and development principles of the WHO. Our staff is made up of educators, psychologists, GfG - and other professionals. We not only offer courses but also advice for specific areas of concern and in times of crisis.

Relaxation, breathing, massage, information, exchange. The class will be a guide for your pregnancy, birth and the start with your baby.


17.07.2021 | 18.07.2021


Familien Gesundheits Zentrum
Günthersburgallee 14H
60316 Frankfurt am Main



AGBs & Kursbedingungen

We can't guarantee that your health insurance will cover the costs. The classfee has to be payed in advance and at the end of the class you will receive a certificate which you can submit to your insurance.
Kurzfristige Änderungen bei Termin und Uhrzeit sind nicht auszuschließen.

Teilnehmerstimmen und Bewertungen zum Anbieter

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Pre-Natal class – Englisch
Sa 17.07.2021 | 09:30 Uhr
2x 6 Stunden
190,00 €
per couple
069/59 17 00 or For registration we need the following details: name, address, telephone no., name and birthday of the child
Pre-Natal class – Englisch
Sa 17.07.2021 | 09:30 Uhr
190,00 €
069/59 17 00 or For registration we need the following details: name, address, telephone no., name and birthday of the child
2x 6 Stunden
per couple
