
Weekend Birth Preparation

Weekend Birth Preparation

Prenatal course in English

This prenatal course aims to prepare future parents for childbirth and the first weeks at home with a newborn. Doula and GfG-family companion Seli Jacome will guide you through the different stages of labor and the birthing process, breathing and relaxation techniques, physical and mental preparations for birth, options for support as well as the postnatal phases, breastfeeding basics and newborn care essentials.



The course is held in English and takes place on two following Sundays from 10am to 4pm, including a lunch break, and also includes a follow-up meeting after all babies of the group have been born. In case of another lockdown, the course may be postponed or take place online.

Was ist mitzubringen

 comfortable clothing
 warm socks


Milla Hebammenpraxis
Homburger Straße 20
60486 Frankfurt am Main


Teilnehmerstimmen und Bewertungen zum Anbieter

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Milla Hebammenpraxis
Weekend Birth Preparation
Kurstermine beim Anbieter
2x 6h
150,00 €
Kosten Partner: 40,00 €
Weekend Birth Preparation
Kurstermine beim Anbieter
zum Angebot
150,00 €
